This one is another cool website designed using Flash,Photoshop and 3ds max.
Software : Photoshop, Flash, 3ds max
Duration : 8 hrs
This website is similar to the eariler one I created for Axis, but here lot more fun & interactions were added. It is showcased in Priyadarshini College, Nagpur & rewarded for its excellence in computer graphics & integration.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Web Designing Contest -2006
Posted by
Deepak raj
5:13 AM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
AXIS 2006 Web Designing
Year 2006 is the unforgettable year in my Computer Graphics(CG) life. On, Summer of
In the midst of all these difficulties, I had enough time to think and sleep. As a member of AXIS publicity community, designing AXIS 2006 website is my responsibility. I took it as a challenge and enjoyed each and every moment working on it. I used Flash + Photoshop for designing.Finally, the website took good shape.Here ,some of the snaps..
This is the Homepage, designed in Flash.
About AXIS section..
Photo Gallery containing various events in AXIS
Posted by
Deepak raj
11:08 AM
Monday, March 17, 2008
D-Designs Website
This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
Posted by
Deepak raj
12:38 AM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Play my Flash Game
Software : Flash MX
Duration : 1 month
This is the my first Flash game project.
That was the first time, I decided upon doing a real game project. & I won third prize in National level Tech fest, IIT, chennai, shaastra :).
Short Desc :-
In this first person shooting game the player controls a Robot:) The story is like this..
Vladik is the creator. He creates robot.Evil Zardok kidnaps Vladik and arrest him.Now, our hero, I-Robot's mission is to resue his creator & kill evil Zardok . It is a 4 level game.The robot collects various weapons while passing through various level. Finally I-Robot reaches Evil Zardok location & rescues the creator. By killing Evil Zardok the game ends.
Posted by
Deepak raj
9:04 PM
My flash..
Software : Flash MX
Duration : 2 hrs
Hi.. This is one of my favorite.Enjoy!.
Posted by
Deepak raj
8:20 AM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Mega Movie Magic - The Making
This will be a bit boring video , but might be 3d max'ers enjoy!.. just wanted to show me working in 3ds max.. so captured it..
Posted by
Deepak raj
10:20 AM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
new 3ds max tutorial
Hi., this video clip I did as an experiment to integrate an image and 3d object :) & it worked well...
Here te background you see is just an ordinary jpeg image.Tea pot is as you well know, famous 3ds max teapot.
Posted by
Deepak raj
6:31 AM
Matrix Bullet time Effect
watched movie Matrix?.. Like many others, I also got really stunned when I first saw trinity frozen kick. Ya, you got what I'm saying now. Same frozening technique in used in this 3ds max clip.
Posted by
Deepak raj
6:16 AM
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Project - Mining Dozer Accident
Software : 3ds Max
Duration : 42 hours
Hi..This project is really lot of work in it.
Major part of this project is done parallely along with my wipro work load.I return back everyday from office at around 9 PM. 10 PM - 12 PM is animation hour :). 15 days of work. Literally enjoyed the busy hours..
well, this project is a awareness program to workers in mining.It is a mining accident incident.
Short-Story :
once in a late night, a Truck , after heavy work throughout the day, left the mining field.
Dozer continued working in nightshift. There were only two workers that time. One watching the dozer & the other driving.
A man of late 30's was the supervisor.He noticed Dozer's work,& after few hours he felt so sleepy. He thought Dozer wil manage without his supervision.
Dozer driver was full active and was working steadily..
His eyelid started getting heavier and heavier. He left the Dozer unattended and started searching a safe! place to sleep.He finally found a place to sleep. He really had a sound sleep there.He would have thought that dozer will not come till that place.
Unfortunately, dozer driver was very active. He completed his work in other location & sooner, he started dozing the danger! spot ( Danger spot for sleeping supervisor). At one time, dozer was moving backwards & that was the time the real accident happened..
As he was in his deep sleep,before he could revert back his consiousness, he was rolled with the dozer tyre & met with an accident.
The driver didnot even recognised the accident. He left at early morning after completing his work. Later on he came to know about the accident.
Posted by
Deepak raj
10:04 AM
My Recent project -Mining Truck Accident
This is an open cast mine, once there is a an mining site engineer working there in a truck.
Suddenly Machine got strucked in a mid-way. He got down from the truck to repair the machine, Unfortunately he forgot to switch off the contol of the machine .Suddenly machine started working and coming in a reverse side.His fortune helps him for the first time that he jumped aside and saved himself.
He wanted to stop the machine before it get dashed with the side rocks.He ran along its way and tried to get in.He climbed the side steps, Somehow he was managing.
But his fortune didint turn towards him this time,Before he could manage to get inside, it dashed, everything collapsed
he died only because of his carelessness.
Posted by
Deepak raj
8:09 AM
My first attempt to create a galaxy like effect in photoshop
Software : Photoshop
Duration : 1 hr
My second attempt to create a galaxy like effect in photoshop
Software : Photoshop
Duration : 1/2 hr
(oops.. something unexpected happened.. I'll upload this image again)
Posted by
Deepak raj
7:12 AM
College Tech Fest - AXIS
Few of my works in VNIT tech festival Axis 2006.
1 ) Cover Page design
Software : Photoshop
Duration : 4 hrs
I was very much happy when I first saw my work as the cover page in Axis 2006 magazine..Those were the days I never forget. Had really great time in college. Made many friends & enjoyed with AXIS team!.
2) Background
Software : Photoshop
Duration : 1/2 hr
This is one of the quick work I did during the Axis festival.
Posted by
Deepak raj
6:48 AM
Proposed Gate Model of my College, VNIT, Nagpur.
Software : 3ds Max 6.0
Duration : 5 hrs
It is yet another quick project I did in college life. At a stretch 5 hrs - my laptop,3ds Max and me completed it. I took a mega treat(obviously nv) from the fellow who gave me this project, as a token of appreciation.
This is 3d model of my college entrance. 4 hours in 3ds max.
Posted by
Deepak raj
12:07 AM