Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Recent project -Mining Truck Accident

This is an open cast mine, once there is a an mining site engineer working there in a truck.
Suddenly Machine got strucked in a mid-way.

He got down from the truck to repair the machine, Unfortunately he forgot to switch off the contol of the machine .Suddenly machine started working and coming in a reverse side.His fortune helps him for the first time that he jumped aside and saved himself.
He wanted to stop the machine before it get dashed with the side rocks.He ran along its way and tried to get in.He climbed the side steps, Somehow he was managing.

But his fortune didint turn towards him this time,Before he could manage to get inside, it dashed, everything collapsed
he died only because of his carelessness.


Unknown said...

I went through your blog, its awesome.I can see reality in it. You can show some animations so that we will be able to understand it better. Now also its fine but still.All the best.

Deepak raj said...

Thanks for ur comment.. Sure, will include some animations, in future posts..